This article apeared in the August 5, 2010 edition of, written by Rachel Wise.
As its copyrighted, I'll only share a bit of the info here. Go to this link, on your computer, to see the photo and write-up of each house.
The article covers "seven of America's scariest homes - real life haunted houses'
The infamous Chelsea Hotel in New York City is one of the area's spookiest landmarks. Built in 1884, visitors claim to have spotted the apparitions of Dylan Thomas, Eugene O'Neil and Thomas Wolfe. Perhaps its most famous haunted spirit, however, is former Sex Pistols lead singer Sid Vicious, who reportedly lingers in the elevator.
The Winchester Mystery House is a 160-room Victorian mansion brimming with bizarre architectural features and a very eerie origin. It has secret passageways, labyrinth-like winding hallways and a seance room. It is said that after Sarah Winchester lost her child and husband, she built this mansion to accommodate spirits because she was so affected by departed souls. Some proof of this theory is the fact that there were only three mirrors in the house -- and legend has it spirits hate mirrors because their reflection causes them to vanish.
In 1974, six members of the DeFeo family were found slain in a home in Amityville, N.Y. Eldest son Ronald DeFeo Jr. was later convicted of murdering his parents and siblings. A year later, the Lutz family moved in but quickly moved out after reports of unexplained paranormal activity -- strange odors, unexplained cold drafts, levitating several feet off the bed and an apparition that took the form of a demonic pig-like creature. The terrifying account of their experience became the basis of the "Amityville Horror" franchise.
The town of Cassadaga, Fla., is famous worldwide for its spiritualist community and paranormal activity. Established in 1894, Cassadaga has long been recognized for having one of the biggest geomagnetic vortexes -- and for the inexplicable blue glow that halos the area.
The Cassadaga Hotel sits at the center of this spooky small town, which is otherwise dotted with old cottages that are home to the many mediums, psychics and other spiritualists who live there. The hotel houses a number of spirits and an energy vortex.
The White House is a hotbed of haunted activity. Visitors, staff and even White House residents have reported seeing the ghosts of Abraham Lincoln, Abigail Adams and Andrew Jackson, to name a few. FDR, Dwight Eisenhower and Winston Churchill are among those who have claimed to have seen the ghost of Abraham Lincoln.
In April 2009, during a visit from a group of schoolchildren, Mrs. Obama detailed some eerie activity she and President Barack Obama had experienced the previous night. According to her, they were awoken by strange sounds in the hall -- and it wasn't the first time. The Obamas claim to have repeatedly heard strange things and felt a strange sensation that seemed as if someone was gnawing at their feet in the middle of the night.
Touted as "one of the most haunted houses in America," the Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville, La., is one of the creepiest places in the South. Allegedly built on a Native American burial ground, the plantation has seen the likes of far too much tragedy. Legend has it that since the house was built in 1797, there have been dozens of deaths -- many untimely deaths of young children -- caused by illness, poisoning and murder.
Once home to wealthy sea captain Joshua Ward, the Joshua Ward House is Salem, Mass., built in 1784, was originally owned by George Corwin, the High Sheriff during the Salem Witch Trials. For many years, Corwin's remains were housed in the basement, though they eventually were moved to a nearby cemetery. Rumor has it that Corwin's spirit still haunts the house.