Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ghost Hunters Terminology Part 4

Ritual expulsion of invading spiritual or demonic entities froma person or dwelling. The term was brought into the common vernacular by the 1973 The Exorcist.

Floating Orb
A spherical image, usually a translucent white though sometimes a reddish or bluish hue, which inexplicably registers on film or videotape. Its presence is thought by some to be an indicator of supernatural activity.

The soul or spirit of a dead person, reflecting the appearance of his or her living body but less substantial Ghosts may exist in a state of semi-awareness or be completely cognizant of their living observers,

Ghost Hunter/ Investigator
A personwho attempts to gather evidence of ghosts or other paranormal activity. This may be accomplished by means of still photography, video, audi, EMF recording, EVP recordings, or other means.

Seeking Spirits: The Lost Cases of The Atlantic Paranormal Society, Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson with Michael Jan Friedman, Pocket Books, 2009

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