Atchison, KS (PRWEB) April 17, 2012 Billed as "Big Brother meets Ghostbusters" online reality show is scoring a hit this weekend as the relaunch of their cult streaming ghost hunting show gets over 4 million views in the first 48 hours, going into their final night on location at the haunted "Sallie House" of Atchison, KS. Scheduled to last 72 hours, the response to the show has been so great the team decided to extend it to 96 hours to give the viewers just a bit more paranormal investigation to ponder until the next live show scheduled for late May. LiveSciFi can be viewed live from now until 4am PST Tuesday April 17th at Evidence clips will be posted over the next few days to the paranormal blog.
Known for taking tamer cable TV ghost hunting fare to the extreme, the LiveSciFi team (Tim Wood, Scott Di Lalla, and Patrick Langdon) visit the most haunted locations and take turns doing various experiments such as Ouija board, Ganzfeld sensory deprivation, BeezleBox(tm) and Ghost Radar®. Calling itself "As real as it gets." the show allows viewers to watch unedited continuous feeds from various rooms in the house while the ghost hunters deal with whatever supernatural energies may exist in the house and attempt to bring them to the visual and aural realm for all to see.
Created by Wood in late 2007, LiveSciFi was the first live streaming paranormal show ever attempted on the internet and it achieved a cult-like status among loyal followers even though the technology wasn't up to today's standards. "I just got sick of various fake paranormal shows that were edited down without showing the audience what was really happening and letting them decide for themselves," says Wood, "I never imagined it would go this crazy." The show came to the attention of award-winning One World Studios Ltd. toppers Scott Di Lalla and Zack Coffman who acquired it just three weeks prior to this weekend's streaming, keeping Wood on as host and creative director.
The One World duo had just finished up their own paranormal Ouija movie, a feature film called "I Am ZoZo" shot entirely on Super 8mm and based on true accounts of the demon ZoZo attacking people through the Ouija board, when Di Lalla's friend and fellow paranormal hobbyist Patrick Langdon mentioned that the intense online reality show he had appeared on needed another camera operator. Di Lalla accompanied LiveSciFi for a weekend and when he returned he told Coffman, "We gotta get in on this." Two weeks later One World had acquired the show and began seeking sponsors and a platform to stream it to the widest possible audience. "We approached all the usual suspects, but honestly, this is sort of unexplored territory so it wasn't easy with such a short window before the next show. told us that they could offer a front page placement and we had the deal done in a matter of hours. Muses Coffman, "The guys at Justin told us to expect 750k to 1 million viewers over the weekend and those were amazing numbers to us. We never expected the response to be four times that...and it's still going for one more night."
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