Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ghosts: are drawn to this light

From Cantopmn Republic Paranormal Journeys blog:  Ghosts: are drawn to this light

We are continuing to provide for you snap shots of a paranormal perspective not seen before. Through Helen Mayor, a higher level psychic medium she is able to communicate with the spirits in a manner to allow for a perspective from the spirit world to the world of the living. We are reversing the role to see how do spirits see and react to us?
Ghosts: are drawn to this light
 When it comes to trying to find ghosts on a ghost hunt or investigation there are a number of different types of equipment that people will use. Sometimes people are just lucky being at the right place at the right time.
There is another way to increase your chances. I know this to be a fact as this is what we do at the Warehouse that produces on almost all events a paranormal encounter that is witnessed or experienced by the customers. Another testament is that if you watch ghost hunting shows you will have noticed that the ghost hunters despite the sophistication of their equipment; without exception, will always defer to a psychic medium.
The human body is the most sensitive piece of equipment on earth, therefore, why don’t you try exploring that avenue if you have not done so before? The key is to work with a psychic that is used to ghosts being around and is not afraid of what goes on around her/him.
For the secrets of life; think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.  The whole of the universe is energy. Constructive use (positive use) of this energy raises the level of consciousness of man and in turn raises his vibration rate or frequency. Spiritual growth requires the elimination of all negative thought, which dissipates “the life force” or vital energy. Every aspect of life in the physical depends on this basic energy or power of the universe.
Everyone and everything has energy to it. Some have an energy that is stronger than others. A psychic’s energy is like a beacon in the night; it is brighter and clearer than other people’s energy. It draws the ghosts towards it.
 Ghosts are connected to those that can communicate with them and are instantly drawn to them. When there is a gathering of people giving off positive energy, ghosts flock to that location as though it were a party.
 Understand that which you are seeking.


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