Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ghost Hunting Terminolgy Part 7

The realm of occurrences and phenomena removed from those to which people are exposed in every day experience.

Phantom Smell
Any scent through which asupernatural entity is attempting to express itself. Typically, phantom smells are remoniscent of flowers, cigarettes, or perfume, but they don't come from any identifiable source.

A ghost that manifests its presence through noises, rappings, the moving of objects, and the creation of disorder. The relo
cation of furniture is an indication of paranormal activity.

A situation in which a hostile spirit enters and takes control of a human body, causing noticeable changes in behavior.

Seeking Spirits: The Lost Cases of The Atlantic Paranormal Society, Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson with Michael Jan Friedman, Pocket Books, 2009

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