Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ghost Hunting Termology Part 10

Materialization - This occurs when a spirit appears during a seance or other circumstance. During a materialization, the spirit can be seen with the outer eye.

Meditation - A relaxed state in which one goes inweard for development, healing or guidance.

Medium - a person who is sensitive to the vibrations from the other side of life and therefore able to communicate with the other side.

Mental mediumship - Use of the inner senses of clairsentience, clairaudience, and clairvpyance to communicate with the other side.

Orbs - Circular white lights which indicate spirit presence. Sometimes Spirit faces or other details are seen in the center of the orb.

Precipitated pictures - A rare form of mediumship in which images that are literally impressed or precipitated onto cards or canvas by spirits.

physical mediumship - mediumship in which some form of physical phenomena is produced that can be detected by the outer senses.

Psychic - a person who intuits information. A psychic is not necessarily receiving information from a spirit.

psychic surgergy - a rare form of medical mediumship in which the spirit doctor actually performs a form of surgery. Unlike regular surgery, there is little if any pain.

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