Friday, July 13, 2012

Australia: BUSTED: Ghosts on camera. Who you gonna call?

From  BUSTED: Ghosts on camera. Who you gonna call?

SOMEONE get Fox Mulder on the line. Now. 
A ghost hunter has captured a "paranormal attack" on film, giving everyone one more reason to visit Cairns.
Kris Fox is the man with nerves of steel - although when you're in the ghost hunting business this is somewhat of a professional necessity.

But a trip to the abandoned town of Maytown five hours west of Cairns recently still has him shaking in his boots, the Cairns Post reports.

Fox, one of the region's foremost paranormal investigators, released a 34-minute documentary last week telling the tale of his three-night stay in the historic town and his description of what happened is enough to send shivers down your spine.

"It was as if I was in a crowd of people who started out 40m away and gradually took a step closer," he said.
"You would walk down the main street and get the feeling you were being watched, like you were trespassing.
"Right up until the last day I started getting very twitchy and very emotional. It got to the point where I couldn't take any more, I was sick in the guts.

"I virtually cracked in the end, I said I couldn't do this any more.

"As I was standing inside the replica miners hut, I was bending down to grab my stuff and something hit me from the left hand side and threw me across the room on to and table.

"After this I don't remember anything until the next day."

Sound freaky? He swears black and blue the next thing he remembers is being found by fellow tourists the next day - 8km from the historic town.

While many may not believe his creepy tale, there is plenty of dark history surrounding the former gold mining centre to give it an eerie feel.

Settled in the 1870s, it was the main settlement on the Palmer River goldfields and a majority of its inhabitants were Chinese miners where bloody street battles were the norm.

Believe it or not, Fox hopes if nothing else his documentary, entitled Dead Eyes Watching, will help keep the town's memory alive - just maybe not in the small hours of the evening.


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